Mind worms on their way to you…

With Murder in Mind – Release date: 28th October 2016


The sixth book in the Matt Saga. The characters find themselves all moving forward towards their own personal goals of revenge and survival. For Matt, Julian, and Devia, their lives forever entwined, things will never be the same. Marie continues to dance to her own tune.

Age 18+. Some chapters contain adult scenes of violence and graphic sexual content.

5 Stars for ‘Dead Men Don’t Kill’ by Viveca Benoir

Dead Men Don’t Kill
by Viveca Benoir (Goodreads Author)

Andrea‘s review

Jun 07, 15

Wow, I do not even know where to start or how to write this review. Viveca Benoir did it again. I would love to dissect her brain, LOL, because I don’t know how her mind comes up with these intricate stories where people are all interwoven somehow. Her stories have so many twists, turns, and bumps they literally leave your head spinning and your heart wondering how or why it could feel anything for these sinister and hateful characters!! Oh did I mention my jaw being open plenty of times too!! If you do not take the time to read Viveca’s foreward in her books, go back and do so. Her thoughts are absolutely fascinating. That mind of hers is definitely twisted.

Dead Men Don’t Kill is the continuation of Matt’s story. Matt has come back from the dead, but was he really dead to begin with? Revenge! This book is about Matt’s revenge on those he feel have wronged him. Ellen, Vero, Nico and Dean .. do any survive? Are there any others that are caught in the path of revenge? I guess you are going to have to read this to find out! Someone, close to Matt in more ways than not, is a major character in this book. Who is it? I loved it!!! What’s their connection? Will history repeat its self?

Five brilliant stars! An absolutely dark read not for the faint of heart!!!!!

HOORAY!! IT’S RELEASE DAY for ‘Dead Men Don’t Kill’ by Viveca Benoir

Today is THE Day!  Finally, the book you have all been waiting for has been released! Get your copy NOW!!

Purchase Link below!

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Purchase Link:  Dead Men Don’t Kill
by Viveca Benoir
Link: http://amzn.com/B00YY0IOTG

Publish date 5th July 2015

Expect chills when you meet Matt. He’s walking darkness.

Matt DMDK 1

by Viveca Benoir
Link: http://amzn.com/B00YY0IOTG
Publish date 5th July 2015

Matt – you don’t want to cross him…really you don’t!

Matt DmDK

by Viveca Benoir
Link: http://amzn.com/B00YY0IOTG
Publish date 5th July 2015

5 star review for Matt – the beginning

Matt – the Beginning by Viveca Benoir (Goodreads Author)

Matt MTB 2Karen Hrdlicka‘s review

Mar 28, 15

Read in March, 2015

This was the first work of Viveca Benoir’s that I have read. I looked at the synopsis for To Murder Matt and wondered why the main character was so twisted and despised. After reading Matt-the Beginning I can more fully understand why Matt is such a tormented and hated character. I like Ms. Benoir’s style very much. The story is well paced and the action is rapid fire. So much happened in the first thirty pages, I found myself stopping to process what the poor young man was going through.This book begins with Matt’s tragic birth, along with a sister he never knew existed. The twins are sent to separate adoptive homes and live completely different lives, each never knowing the other lives nearby. Matt’s life is hardly ideal. His mother loves him intensely however, to say his father is an ass, is an understatement. The abuse Matt and his mother suffer is the driving force behind much of the development of Matt’s character. Throughout the story he is thrown curveball after curveball, molding him into an young man who uses sex for power and control. He is ambitious and headstrong and if someone crosses him there will be retaliation. No spoilers here, just be aware that Matt has seen a lot of crap in his life and except for his mother no one seems to have given him a fair shake. I am looking forward to reading other books by Ms. Benoir